1·The boy played a clever trick on me.
2·This is where LOD has picked up on a very clever trick.
在这里,LOD 采用了一种非常聪明的技巧。
3·It may be a clever trick, but it's not at all natural and can cause problems.
4·Speaking unmorally, a clever trick? Oh, Socrates, Socrates, was that perhaps your secret?
从非道德上讲,这只是一个高明的把戏? 噢,苏格拉底啊,苏格拉底,难道这就是你的秘密?
5·The Satan in here clever trick is such: If you are the god son, you do not have the matter which the reason cannot be you to want to do.
6·In order to maintain the blood pH constant, the body plays a clever trick: conversion of liquid acid to solid acid such as cholesterol, fatty acid.
7·Purifying it involved a clever trick using enzymes that can identify and destroy the genetic material of micro-organisms without also destroying too much of the DNA of interest.
8·A clever trick is to number the chunks to allow users to perceive how much is left and also to perceive that they are moving forward. It provides clear direction of a way forward.
9·At the same time, an attacker may not alwaysuse sophisticated technical wizardry to hijack your computer, but could insteadfind clever ways to trick you into making a bad decision.
10·And here's a clever SSH trick: You can tunnel from a local system to a remote one via SSH. The command line to use looks something like this.